Sunday, October 25, 2009

Street Chow...Do you dare?

Sure Downtown LA’s full of innovative, classy restaurants with modern menus and posh décor, but in case you didn't know it, it’s also home to some of the tastiest, cheapest and fastest treats out there…and I’m not talking fast food. These delicacies include fresh fruit salads, churros, corn on the cob, and the famous bacon wrapped hot dogs all coming from entrepreneurs we call street vendors.

Walking through the streets that house the very crowded Fashion District, I came across a number of street vendors yelling out whatever chow they had for sale. Although many may find street food to be an unsanitary and unhealthy choice for a meal, I, like many others, couldn’t help myself.

As soon as I took a whiff of the bacon cooking and veggies grilling, I knew I found my first course: the bacon wrapped hot dog.

Although the combination of a white bun, pork wiener wrapped in bacon, and a grilled medley of onion and bell peppers was not on my diet plan, I had found my new guilty pleasure. In addition to the grilled medley stacked on top, today I added ketchup, mustard, and a side of grilled jalapeno for nibbling. Additional ingredients include mayonnaise, relish, and guacamole. The service was fast, every bite was delicious and all for $3, or two for $5.

For dessert I walked to the corner of Maple and 11th where I came across a man selling churros. He did not have a licensed cart like my hot dog vendor did so I was taking more of a risk with this one, but I do love me some churros! The bag of 3 small churros was $1. They were sweet smothered in cinnamon and sugar, but a bit cold and stale—the down side to buying off a man with no cart to keep them warm in.

I’m pretty game about trying new food, and I’m no stranger to street goodies, but if you’re worried about disease and sanitation, I advise you to buy off of licensed food handlers only. In most cases they are required a total of four permits, which should be posted on their carts or trucks. These vendors are tested, regulated and inspected by several health and safety parties. To sample for yourself, you can visit hundreds of street vendor-friendly areas in LA, but you can bet the Downtown Fashion District will have a variety seven days a week. Eat at your own risk!

For a map of the Fashion District click on link

Jessica Perez


  1. I don't normally eat downtown's street chow but your descriptions have given me a new perspective...I think I'll give it a shot.

  2. I love this story. I have tasted a hot link wrapped in bacon bought from a cart on the side of the road. I felt so ashamed for enjoying it so much but now I know I'm not alone.

  3. It seems like the cheaper the food and the more ghetto the place you get it from, the better it is! You don't usually see hot dogs like that, or hot dogs at all, at restaurants. Plain ones cost way more than the ones with the works that you get on the streets for $3. People need to calm down about the "risk" and let themselves eat good food for a good price.
